Durable Signage

In a hospital, signs need to be easy to see and quick to interpret. Vivid yellow, red, orange, blue and green films from KERNOWPRINT Dry Toner can quickly identify safety hazards and clearly mark instructions and codes. Durable and waterproof, they can be cleaned with medical/hospital disinfectant products and resist hospital cleaning materials such as Purell®, Ecolab® Asepti-Steryl®- even rubbing alcohol and methylated spirits!

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Patient Charts That Can Be Disinfected

Keeping a clean environment is critical to preventing the spread of infections. Patient charts printed on KEROWPRINT Dry Toner films can be cleaned and disinfected with medical/hospital disinfectant products such as Ecolab®, Encompass™, Neutral Disinfectant Cleane. Even Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaners are suitable when diluted to the manufacturer’s directions.

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Self Adhesive Signs and Labels

From hand-washing reminders to special diet labels, self- adhesive KERNOWPRINT Dry Toner documents resist hospital cleaning materials such as Purell®, Ecolab® Asepti-Steryl® – even rubbing alcohol and methylated spirits. Use wherever alcohol-based, antimicrobial regimes must be in place.

Get in touch for more information about Self Adhesive Signs and Labels.

Looking for more labelling solutions? Download our High Performance Synthetic Labelstock brochure

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From restaurant menus to military field documents, KernowPrint Digital Print Media delivers unmatched tear resistance, chemical resistance, and durability when you need it most. Best of all, our products are guaranteed to help you save time and money by eliminating the need to laminate and post-process. Learn how other companies have produced spectacular results as easy as Load, Print, and Deliver.

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